School days are the best days of an individual's life. I remember the last day of my school, just before I got preparatory holidays for CBSE 10th board exams. Class 9th students of our school organized a farewell party of 10th class students. I was very happy and excited about the day.

In farewell, there were different dress codes for girls and boys. girls are supposed to wear sarees and boys are supposed to wear formal blazers. I borrowed a blazer from my cousin and dressed up for the party. As soon as I entered the school premises, class 9th students welcomed us with “puja thali” and “tika”. The school was fully decorated with flowers. All the teachers and students were nicely dressed. They motivated us for the exams and asked us to do our best.

Then, it was time for lunch. The arrangement for lunch was just superb, there were so many options to have like north Indian, south Indian, and my personal favorite Chinese. I had delicious food and “gulab jamun” as a dessert. We all started sharing our lovely memories of classrooms with teachers. Our school also arranged a professional photographer, we all clicked so many pictures with our teachers. Our teachers wished us good luck for our exams and advised us to reach the examination hall well in time. He also told us the method of answering questions in different subjects.

Then, it was time to say goodbye to all the lovely & beautiful memories we had at our school. My eyes were wet with tears. I gifted a diary and pen to my favourite teachers. Everyone was in sorrow now. Class 9th students gave us roses, and this brought the function to an end. I did my schooling from pre necessary to 10th from the same school, saying goodbye was not easy for me. I will always remember this day in my heart forever.

English Essays:

हिंदी निबंध:
  1. भारत का एक राष्ट्रीय महोत्सव - 15 अगस्त
  2. अच्छे नेता की योग्यताएँ और उसके गुण
  3. भारत में बेरोजगारी
  4. प्रदूषण की समस्या
  5. भारत में वन्यजीवों का संरक्षण
  6. वनीकरण, वनरोपण, वृक्षारोपण और उसका महत्व
  7. मूल्य वृद्धि या महँगाई की समस्या और समाधान
  8. जनसंख्या विस्फोट: कारण और समाधान
  9. राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी
  10. विज्ञान के उपयोग और दुरुपयोग
  11. गणतंत्र दिवस 26 जनवरी
  12. क्रीड़ाओं और खेलने-कूदने का महत्व
  13. हमारे जीवन पर सिनेमा का प्रभाव
  14. मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य
  15. बिजली का उपयोग
  16. युद्ध की भयावहता और वीभत्सता
  17. परमाणु ऊर्जा का शांतिपूर्ण उपयोग
  18. ताजमहल: एक ऐतिहासिक इमारत की यात्रा
  19. चिड़ियाघर की सैर
  20. एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार मेले का दौरा
  21. स्वर्ण मंदिर (श्री हरमंदिर साहिब) की यात्रा

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