There are four types of gender.
1. Masculine: Words such as boy, man, father, brother, he, him and his stand for masculine nouns or males. They are called masculine Gender.
2. Feminine: Words such as girl, woman, mother, sister, she and her stand for feminine nouns or males. They are called Feminine Gender.
3. Neuter: Those words which are used neither for male nor for females means only used for non-living things. They are called Neuter Gender.
Examples: table, chair, wall, wood, bell, house, bricks etc.
4. Common: Those words which are used both for males and females. They are called Common Gender.
Examples: birds, child, baby, young ones, student, teacher, eagle, doctor, friend, orphan, stranger etc.
1. Masculine: Words such as boy, man, father, brother, he, him and his stand for masculine nouns or males. They are called masculine Gender.
2. Feminine: Words such as girl, woman, mother, sister, she and her stand for feminine nouns or males. They are called Feminine Gender.
3. Neuter: Those words which are used neither for male nor for females means only used for non-living things. They are called Neuter Gender.
Examples: table, chair, wall, wood, bell, house, bricks etc.
4. Common: Those words which are used both for males and females. They are called Common Gender.
Examples: birds, child, baby, young ones, student, teacher, eagle, doctor, friend, orphan, stranger etc.
Masculine | Feminine | पुल्लिंग | स्त्रीलिंग |
Abbot | Abbess | मठाधीश | महन्तिन |
Actor | Actress | अभिनेता | अभिनेत्री |
Administrator | Administratrix | प्रशासक | प्रशासिका |
Author | Authoress | लेखक | लेखिका |
Bachelor | Spinster | कुंवारा | कुंवारी |
Baron | Baroness | नवाब | नवाबिन |
Benefactor | Benefactress | दान करनेवाला | दान करनेवाली |
Boy | Girl | लड़का | लड़की |
Bridegroom | Bride | दूल्हा | दुल्हन |
Brother | Sister | भाई | बहन |
Conductor | Conductress | कंडक्टर | कंडक्टरस |
Count | Countess | बादशाह | बेगम |
Czar | Czarina | रूस के सम्राट | रूस की साम्राज्ञी |
Daddy | Mummy | पिता | माता |
Duke | Duchess | राजा | रानी |
Earl | Countess | राजा | रानी |
Emperor | Empress | सम्राट | सम्राज्ञी / साम्राज्ञी |
Enchanter | Enchantress | जादूगार | जादूगरनी |
Executor | Executrix | निष्पादक | निष्पादिका |
Father | Mother | बाप | माँ |
Fiance | Fiancee | मंगेतर लड़का | मंगेतर लड़की |
Founder | Foundress | संस्थापक | संस्थापिका |
Friar | Nun | तपस्वी | तपस्विनी |
Gentleman | Lady | सज्जन पुरुष | सज्जन स्त्री |
Giant | Giantess | राक्षस | राक्षसी |
God | Goddess | देव | देवी |
Governor | Governess | राज्यपाल | राज्यपाल |
Grandfather | Grandmother | दादा | दादी |
Grandson | Granddaughter | पोता | पोती |
Granduncle | Grandaunt | बड़े चाचा | बड़ी चाची |
Heir | Heiress | उत्तराधिकारी | उत्तराधिकारिणी |
Hero | Heroine | नायक | नायिका |
Host | Hostess | मेज़बान | मेजबानदारनी |
Hunter | Huntress | शिकारी | शिकारिका / शिकारिन |
Husband | Wife | पति | पत्नी |
Instructor | Instructress | प्रशिक्षक | प्रशिक्षिका |
Jew | Jewess | यहूदी | यहूदिन |
King | Queen | राजा | रानी |
Lad | Lass | लड़का | लड़की |
Landlord | Landlady | मकान मालिक | मकान मालकिन |
Lord | Lady | अधिपति | अधिपत्नी |
Male | Female | नर | मादा |
Man | Woman | पुरुष | स्त्री |
Manager | Manageress | प्रबंधक | प्रबंधिका |
Marquis | Marchioness | मार्की | मार्की की पत्नी |
Masseur | Masseuse | मालिश करनेवाला | मालिश करनेवाली |
Master | Mistress | स्वामी | स्वामिनी |
Mayor | Mayoress | महापालिकाध्यक्ष | स्री-महापालिकाध्यक्ष |
Milkman | Milkmaid | दूधवाला | दूधवाली |
Monk | Nun | संन्यासी | संन्यासिनी |
Millionaire | Millionairess | करोड़पति | करोड़पत्नी |
Mister | Mistress | श्रीमान | श्रीमती |
Murderer | Murderess | हत्यारा | हत्यारन / हत्यारिन |
Negro | Negress | नीग्रो पुरुष | नीग्रो स्री |
Nephew | Niece | भतीजा / भान्जा | भतीजी / भान्जी |
Patron | Patroness | संरक्षक | संरक्षिका |
Papa | Mamma | पापा | माता |
Peer | Peeress | सहकर्मी पुरुष | सहकर्मी स्त्री |
Poet | Poetess | कवि | कवयित्री |
Policeman | Policewoman | पुलिस वाला | पुलिस वाली |
Preceptor | Preceptress | गुरू | गुरुमाँ |
Priest | Priestess | पुजारी | पुजारिन |
Prince | Princess | राजकुमार | राजकुमारी |
Prophet | Prophetess | पैगंबर / भविष्यवक्ता | स्त्री-पैगंबर / भविष्य बताने वाली |
Proprietor | Proprietress | मालिक | मालकिन |
Seamster | Seamstress | दर्जी | दरजिन |
Shepherd | Shepherdess | गड़ेरिया | गड़ेरिन |
Signor | Signora | सिगनोर | सिगनोरा |
Sir | Madam | महोदय | महोदया |
Son | Daughter | बेटा | बेटी |
Songster | Songstress | गायक | गायिका |
Sorcerer | Sorceress | जादूगर | जादूगरनी |
Steward | Stewardess | प्रबंधक | प्रबंधिका |
Sultan | Sultana | सुलतान | सुल्ताना |
Tailor | Tailoress | दर्जी | दरजिन |
Tempter | Temptress | प्रलोभक | प्रलोभिका |
Testator | Testatrix | वसीयतकर्ता | वसीयतकर्त्री |
Traitor | Traitress | गद्दार पुरुष | गद्दार स्त्री |
Uncle | Aunt | चाचा, मौसा, मामा, ताऊ, फूफा | चाची, मौसी, मामी, ताई, बुआ |
Usher | Usherette | प्रवेशक | प्रवेशिका |
Viscount | Viscountess | विकांट | विकांटेस |
Waiter | Waitress | वेटर | वेट्रेस |
Washerman | Washerwoman | धोबी | धोबिन |
Widower | Widow | विदुर | विधवा |
Wizard | Witch | मायावी पुरुष | मायावी स्त्री |
Masculine | Feminine | पुल्लिंग | स्त्रीलिंग |
Boar | Sow | सूअर | सुअरिया |
Buck | Doe | हिरन | हरिणी |
Bull | Cow | बैल | गाय |
Bullock | Heifer | बैल | गाय |
Cock | Hen | मुर्गा | मुर्गी |
Colt | Filly | बछेड़ा | बछेड़ी |
Dog | Bitch | कुत्ता | कुतिया |
Donkey | Jenny | गधा | गधी |
Drake | Duck | नर बत्तक | मादा बत्तख |
Drone | Bee | नर मधुमक्खी | मादा मधुमक्खी |
Fox | Vixen | नर लोमड़ी | मादा लोमड़ी |
Gander | Goose | हंस | हंसिनी |
Hart | Roe | हिरन | हिरनी |
Horse | Mare | घोड़ा | घोड़ी |
Leopard | Leopardess | नर तेंदुआ | मादा तेंदुआ |
Lion | Lioness | शेर | शेरनी |
Peacock | Peahen | मोर | मोरनी |
Ram | Ewe | मेढ़ा | भेंड़ी |
Sheep | Ewe | भेड़ा | भेड़ |
Stag | Hind | मृग | मृगी |
Stallion | Mare | घोड़ा | घोड़ी |
Tiger | Tigress | बाघ | बाघिन |
Parts of Speech
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3