- Tremendous (भयानक ) : huge, colossal, vast
- Thin (पतला ) : slim, slender, delicate, lean
- Thick (मोटा) : dense, compact, cloudy
- Teach (पढ़ाना) : instruct, educate, inculcate
- Target (लक्ष्य) : aim, goal, object, purpose
- Tedious (थकाने वाला) : boring, dull, monotonous, wearisome
- Timid (डरपोक) : cowardly, shy, sneaky
- Trust (विश्वास) : faith, confidence, belief
- Uproar (कोलाहल) : noise, clamor, tumult, hue and cry
- Unique (अद्वितीय) : unequaled, matchless, uncommon, unrivaled
- Urge (निवेदन करना) : solicit, plead, exhort
- Understanding (समझ) : insight, perception, comprehension
- Various (अनेक) : several, many, numberless, innumerable
- Vague (अस्पष्ट) : indistinct, indefinite, unclear
- Vanish (ग़ायब) : disappear, fade, terminate
- Vice (बुराई) : sin, evil, wickedness
- Vigor (ताक़त) : energy, force, power, strength
- Victory (विजय) : win, success, conquest
- Vigilant (सतर्क) : alert, watchful, cautious
- Venture (साहस करना) : dare, risk, undertake
- Wicked (दुष्ट) : sinful, cruel, heartless
- Withhold (रोकना) : stop, detain, suppress, restrain
- Wisdom (बुद्धिमत्ता) : intelligence, foresight, prudence
- Wreck (नाश) : ruin, destruction, sinking
- Wretched (मनहूस) : mean, miserable, unfortunate, unlucky, cursed
- Yearn (इच्छा करना) : desire, pine, long, wish, aspire
- Yield (प्राप्ति) : submit, bow down, surrender
- Zeal (उत्साह) : enthusiasm, eagerness, earnestness
- Zenith (चोटी) : top, summit, climax, peak
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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