August 2014
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1. CARE International (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere)
CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is nonsectarian, impartial, and non-governmental. It is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focused on fighting global poverty. In 2014, CARE reported working in 90 countries, supporting 880 poverty-fighting projects and humanitarian aid projects, and reaching over 72 million people.(source:Wikipedia)
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2. Project Nanhi Kali
Project Nanhi Kali is an Indian non-governmental organisation that supports education for underprivileged girls in India. Founded by Anand Mahindra in 1996, it is jointly managed by the Naandi Foundation and the KC Mahindra Education Trust, which is part of the corporate social responsibility activities of the Mahindra Group. Currently, Project Nanhi Kali supports over 57,000 students.(source:Wikipedia)
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Donation Website –

3. Plan (aid organisation)
Plan International is an international organisation or development which works in 51 countries across Africa, the Americas, and Asia to promote the safeguarding of children. It is a nonprofit organisation and is one of the world's largest organisations based on children, it works in 58,000 communities with 600,000 volunteers to improve how 56 million children live. The charity also has 21 national organisations who have been given the responsibility to oversee the raising of funds and awareness in their individual countries.(source:Wikipedia)

Donation Website –

4. Save the Children
The Save the Children Fund, commonly known as Save the Children, is an international non-governmental organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 in order to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.(source:Wikipedia)

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पहचान : इस Tense के वाक्यों मे काम का करना या होना भूतकाल मे पाया जाता है । ऐसे वाक्यों के अन्त मे 'आ', 'या ', 'ई ', 'ये', 'यो ', 'ता था', 'ते थे ', 'ती थी ' आते हैं ।
Simple Past Tense (Past Indefinite) - Hindi to English Translation

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1:  था , थी , थे के लिए जब वे किसी काम से जुड़े होते हैं तो was अथवा were का प्रयोग नहीं करते । 

Rule 2: एकवचन तथा बहुवचन दोनों मे ही Subject के साथ Verb की 2nd Form आती है । 
(देखिए उदाहरण 1 से 6)

Rule 3: Subject के भिन्न-भिन्न number के साथ verb मे कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता । 

1. उसने कल मुझे एक कलम दिया । 
He gave me a pen yesterday.
2. मैं इस घर मे  रहता था । 
I lived in this house.
3. मोहन कल अपने पिता को देखने दिल्ली गया । 
Mohan went to Delhi to see his father yesterday.
4. हमने अपना पाठ याद किया । 
We learnt our lesson.
5. उसने अपने पिता को एक पत्र लिखा । 
She wrote a letter to her father.
6. बढ़ाई ने एक कुर्सी बनाई ।
The carpenter made a chair.

Negative Sentences
Rule 1:  Negative sentences मे प्रत्येक कर्ता(Subject) के बाद did not लगाकर Verb की 1st Form को लगाते हैं ।  

Rule 2: यदि वाक्य मे 'कभी नहीं ' आया हो तो 'never' का प्रयोग करते है । never के साथ did not नहीं लगाते हैं । केवल '2nd form of verb' लगाते हैं । (देखिए उदाहरण 3)

1. वह कल हॉकी नहीं खेला । 
He did not play hockey yesterday.
2. लड़कों ने अपना पाठ याद नहीं किया । 
The boys did not learn their lesson.
3. मैं कभी देर से नहीं आया । 
I never came late.
4. सीता ने मधुर गाना नहीं गाया । 
Sita did not sing a sweet song.
5. तुम स्कूल नहीं गए । 
You did not go to school.

Interrogative Sentences
Rule 1: अगर वाक्य मे 'क्या' लगा हो तो Did को कर्ता (Subject) से पहले लगाते हैं और 1st Form of Verb लगाते हैं । 
(देखिए उदाहरण 1, 2 और 3)

Rule 2: अगर वाक्य के बीच में 'कब'(when),'क्यों'(why), 'क्या'(what), 'कहाँ'(where) आदि  प्रशनवाचक शब्द हो तो सबसे पहले इनकी अंग्रेजी , फिर did, फिर कर्ता और फिर verb की 1st form आती है । 
did + Subject + 1st Form of Verb(देखिए उदाहरण 7 और 8)

Rule 3: कितना (how much), कितने (how many), कौन-सा(which) के साथ उनसे सम्बंधित nouns भी आते हैं । (देखिए उदाहरण 6, 9 and 10)

Rule 4:  अगर वाक्य मे कोई प्रशनवाचक शब्द who ही कर्ता  का कार्य कर रहा हो, तो पहले उसकी अंग्रेजी, फिर 2nd form of verb लाते है । (देखिए उदाहरण 11)

Rule 5: Interrogative negative वाक्य Interrogative sentences की तरह बनाते  है । केवल कर्ता के बाद not और लगा देते हैं ।
Why + did + subject + not + object
(देखिए उदाहरण 3, 4, 5)

Rule 6: वाक्य के अंत मे प्रशनसूचक चिन्ह (?) अवश्य लगाते है ।

1. क्या उसने किताब पढ़ी?
Did he read a book?
2. क्या मैंने तुम्हे एक कलम दी?
Did i give you a pen?
3. क्या तुम्हारी माँ तुम्हे प्यार नहीं करती थी ?
Did your mother not love you?
4.  क्या वह यहाँ नहीं आती थी?
Did she not come here?
5. तुम मेरे साथ क्यों नहीं भागे थे?
Why did you not run with me?
6. तुमने किसकी किताब कक्षा में पढ़ी?
Whose book did you read in the classroom?
7. तुम्हारा भाई कल कहाँ गया?
Where did your brother go yesterday?
8. मोहन कब लौटकर आया?
When did Mohan return?
9. कितने लड़के कक्षा में नहीं आये?
How many boys did not come to the class?
10. उस बच्चे ने कितना दूध पिया?
How much milk did that baby drink? 
11. तुम्हारे घर कल कौन आया?
Who came to your house yesterday?

Recommended Post - Solve Hindi Exercises based on Simple Past Tense (Past Indefinite)

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense
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It is used to express an action which will occur in future and is thought to be completed in future.

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1:  Subject + will have/shall have + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

Rule 2:  Where ever you'll see the use of the two sentences in this tense, the action which would be completed first would be in 'Future Perfect Tense' and the action completed after would be in 'Present Simple Tense'. 

Note: always use shall with 'I' and 'We'.

1. He will have learnt his lesson before you come.
2. We shall have taken our food before it is seven.
3. They will have played the match before the sun sets.
4. I shall have read my book before you come.

Negative Sentences
Rule:  Subject + will/shall + not + have + 3rd Form of Verb + Object


1. She will not have written the letter before Hari comes.
2. The child will not have drunk milk before he sleeps.
3. I shall not have finished my work before the teacher comes.

Interrogative Sentences
Rule 1:  Will/Shall + Subject + have + 3rd Form of Verb + Object (See Examples 1, 2)

Rule 2: when/why/what/where + will/shall + Subject + have + 3rd Form of Verb + Object (See Example 5)

Rule 3: how much/how many/whose/which also used with their related nouns. (See Example 3)

Rule 4: Interrogative negative sentences are just like Interrogative affirmative sentences with only use of not after the subject.
Will/Shall + subject + not + have + 3rd form of verb
(See example 2)

Rule 5: Must put Question Mark (?) at the end of a sentence.


1. Will the boys have played the match before it is seven?
2. Shall we not have taken the tickets before the train arrives?
3. How many boys will have come here before the sun sets?
4. Who will have punished your son before the teacher comes?
5. Where will he have gone before it rains? 

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense
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It is used to express an action which happened or completed in the past time or usually the two actions which happened or completed one by one in the past time.

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1:  Subject (Single number/third person/Plural number) + had + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

Rule 2:  Where ever you'll see the use of 'before' in combining the two past sentences of this tense, the action which would be completed before would be in 'Past Perfect Tense' and the action completed after would be in 'Past Simple Tense'. (see examples 1,2,3)

Rule 3:  Where ever you'll see the use of 'After' in combining the two past sentences of this tense, the action which would be completed after would be 'Principal Clause' in 'Past Simple Tense' and the action completed before would be 'Subordinate clause' in 'Past Perfect Tense'. (see examples 4)

1. We had reached home before it rained.
2. The train had started before I reached the station.
3. She had read her book before she slept.
4. John went to school after he had learnt his lesson.
5. I had already heard this news.

Negative Sentences
Rule 1:  Subject (Single number/third person/Plural number) + had + not + 3rd Form of Verb + Object


1. I had not seen this house before.
2. The patient had not died before the doctor came.
3. The thief had not run away before the police came.
4. The teacher had not finished the course before the examination began.

Interrogative Sentences
Rule 1:  Had + Subject (Single number/third person/Plural number) + 3rd Form of Verb + Object 
(See Examples 1, 2,3)

Rule 2: when/why/what/where + had + Subject + 3rd Form of Verb + Object (See Example 6)

Rule 3: how much/how many/whose/which also used with their related nouns.(See Examples 4, 5)

Rule 4: Interrogative negative sentences are just like Interrogative affirmative sentences with only use of not after the subject.
Had + subject + not + 3rd form of verb
(See example 3)

Rule 5: Must put Question Mark (?) at the end of a sentence.


1. Had the bell rung before I reached the school?
2. Had they taken tea before the sun rose?
3. Had we not reached the bus-stand before the bus started?
4. How many children had slept before sunset?
5. Which song had that girl sung before we came?
6. Why had you written a letter before I slept?
7. What did the patient eat after the doctor had gone?

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense
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It is used to express an action which happened or completed in the current time or usually the action which happened or completed in the present time.

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1:  Subject (Single number/third person/He,She,It) + has + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

Rule 2:  Subject (Plural number/I,You,We,They) + have + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

1. John has gone to school.
2. I have sent a letter to him.
3. You have broken his plate.
4. He has killed a snake.
5. They have learnt all their lessons.

Negative Sentences
Rule 1:  Subject (Single number/third person/Plural number) + has/have + not + 3rd Form of Verb + Object

1. She has not sung the song.
2. The carpenter has not made the chair.
3. I have not read your letter.
4. They have not sold the horse.
5. We have not seen such an animal.

Interrogative Sentences
Rule 1:  Has/Have + Subject (Single number/third person/Plural number) + 3rd Form of Verb + Object 
(See Examples 1, 2,3)

Rule 2: when/why/what/where + has/have + Subject + 3rd Form of Verb + Object (See Example 7,8)

Rule 3: how much/how many/whose/which also used with their related nouns. (See Examples 5)

Rule 4:  If any interrogative word works like a subject then write it first then carry on with has/have + 3rd form of verb (See Example 6)

Rule 5: Interrogative negative sentences are just like Interrogative affirmative sentences with only use of not after the subject.
Has/Have + subject + not + 3rd form of verb
(See example 3,4)

Rule 6: Must put Question Mark (?) at the end of a sentence.

1. Has he sold his cow?
2. Have you learnt your lesson?
3. Have I not caught a thief?
4. Why have you not read this book?
5. How many boys have come today?
6. Who has not brought his book?
7. Where has the boy run away?
8. How have they done this?

Recommended: Present Perfect Tense worksheet

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense