Please read Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite) - Hindi to English Translation before try to solve these exercises.

Exercise - 1
मैं प्रतिदिन अपना पाठ याद करता हूँ | क्या वह अपने पिता के साथ आगरा जाती है ? अच्छे विद्यार्थी अपने शिक्षकों का सम्मान करते हैं | क्या हम फुटबॉल नहीं खेलते हैं ? सोहन स्कूल क्यों नहीं जाता है ? क्या नेहा एक मधुर गीत गाती है ? मेरा दोस्त प्रतिदिन सिनेमा जाता है | हम रोज़ाना सुबह टहलने जाते हैं | वह अपनी दोस्त को प्यार नहीं करती है | क्या वह गृहस्थी का सब काम करती है ? अच्छी लड़किया बुरी लड़कियों की संगति पसन्द नहीं करती हैं | सुरेश का भाई तुमको गाली क्यों देता है ? तुम्हारा धोबी सही से कपड़े नहीं धोता है | क्या वह प्रतिदिन दाल नहीं खाता है ? 
(hints : याद करना - learn, सम्मान करना - respect, मधुर गीत - sweet song, गृहस्थी का काम - domestic work, संगति -  company, धोबी - washerman, गाली देना - abuse)

Exercise - 2
विवेक एक नेक लड़का है | वह प्रतिदिन सुबह जल्दी उठता है | वह रोज़ नहाता है | वह स्कूल ठीक समय पर जाता है | वह प्रतिदिन अपना पाठ याद करता है | वह शिक्षकों का सम्मान करता है | वह सदैव गुरुजनों तथा अपने बड़ो की आज्ञा का पालन करता है | वह एक धनी पिता का पुत्र है, परन्तु वह सादे कपड़े पहनता है | वह एक सादा जीवन व्यतीत करता है | स्कूल का प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी उसे जानता है | क्या तुम उसे नहीं जानते हो ? सब अध्यापक उससे बहुत प्रसन्न हैं तथा उससे प्रेम करते हैं | वह कक्षा में सदैव प्रथम आता है | वह सदैव सत्य बोलता है | वह बुरे लड़को की संगति पसंद नहीं करता है | वह एक आदर्श विद्यार्थी है | 
(hints : नेक - gentle, उठता है - gets up, जल्दी - early, बड़े - elders, धनी - rich, सादा जीवन - simple life, व्यतीत करना - leads, प्रथम आना - stands first, सत्य बोलना - speak the truth, आदर्श - ideal)

Recommended PostSimple Present Tense (Present Indefinite) - Hindi to English Translation

Solution Exercise -1
I learn my lesson daily. Does she go to Agra with her father? Good students respect their teachers. Do we not play football? Why does Sohan not go to school? Does Neha sing a sweet song? My friend goes to cinema daily. We walk daily in the morning. She does not love her friend. Does she do all the domestic work? Good girls do not like the company of bad girls. Why does Suresh's brother abuse you? Your washerman does not wash clothes properly. Does he not eat pulses every day?

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense

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Post A Comment:


  1. Where is solution the of exercise 2

    1. Please try to solve it first, and then I’ll post corrections. So you can learn it.

    2. Sir iska Solution daal dijiye main ne inke answer likh liye hai ab match karna hai

    3. Post your solution here, I'll correct.

    4. Vivek is a gentle boy. He gets up early in the morning.He takes bath daily .He goes to school daily on time . He Learns his lesson daily .He respects his teachers.He always obey the order of the Guru and his elders .a
      He is the son of rich father, but he wears simple clothes. He leads a simple life. every student of the school knows him. DO you not know him ?All the teachers are very happy with him and love him.He always comes first in the class He always speaks truth . He does not like the company of bad girls .HE is an ideal student.

    5. well done. There are some minor mistakes.
      He always obeys the order of the gurus and his elders.
      He is the son of a rich father, but he wears plain clothes.
      Every student in the school knows him.
      He always stands first in the class.
      He always speaks the truth.
      He does not like the company of bad boys.

      You should improve your skills on vocabulary and articles (a, an, the).

    6. Every student in the school knows him sir iss vaale sentence ko jaise main ne likha hai vaise kyon nahi likh sakte hai .can youbplzz explain.... And thanks to give answers of exercises..

    7. You must use "in the school" or "at the school", student in the school means student could be inside or outside the school building. Student at the school means student is inside school building.

      Read Prepositions:

    8. Vivek is a gentle boy.
      He everyday gets up early in the morning .

      He takes a bath daily.
      He goes to school on right time.
      He learns his lesson everyday.
      He respects his teachers.
      He always obeys the orders on his teachers and elders
      He is a son of rich father,but he wears simple clothes.
      He lives a simple life
      In the school every student knows him.
      Do you not know him.
      All teachers are happy from him and love him.
      He always stands first in the class.
      He always tells the truth.
      He doesn't like the company of bad boys.
      He is an ideal student.

    9. Vivek is a gentle boy. He get up early in the morning, everyday. He bathes daily.He goes to school on time. He learn his lesson everyday.He respect the teachers. He always obey his teachers and elders.
      He is a son of rich father, but He wear simple clothes. He leads a simple life.Every student of the school know him.Do you not know him? Every teachers likes him and love him.He always stands first in the class .He always speaks truth.He do not like company of bad boys. He is a ideal student.

  2. Very helpful in growing command of children about tense.

  3. Please send solutions of exercise 1 and 2.

    1. Below exercise 2, solution 1 is given.
      Solution for exercise 2 already posted in comments. check previous comments reply.

  4. Vivek isa gentle boy. He gets up early morning. He goes school at the right time. He respect of their teacher. He always follow the permission of their teachers and elders. He is a son of rich father. But he wears plan clothes. He is a leads simple life. Each of the student is known as him. Does you don't know. All teachers very glad for him and love him. He always come first in a class. He always speak truth. He do not like bad boys company. He is a ideal student

  5. Vivek is a noble boy. He gets up early in the morning every day. He takes bath every day. He goes to school on time. He remembers his lesson every day. He honors the teachers. He always obeys the orders of the gurus and his elders. He is the son of a rich father, but he wears plain clothes. He leads a simple life. Every student of the school knows him. Don't you know him? All the teachers are very happy with him and love him. He always comes first in class. He always speaks the truth. He does not like the association of bad boys. He is an ideal student.

  6. please sir give some more exercise of simple present tens

  7. क्या तुम उसे नहीं जानते हो
    Does you not know him
