February 2015
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Animals : Young one

Ass (गधा) : Foal
Bear (रीछ) : Cub
Cat (बिल्ली) : Kitten
Cow (गाय) : Calf
Dog (कुत्ता) : Puppy
Duck (बतख) : Duckling
Stag (हिरन) : Fawn
Frog (मेंढक) : Tadpole
Goat (बकरी) : Kid
Hen (मुर्गी) : Chicken
Horse (घोड़ा) : Colt
Hare (ख़रगोश) : Leveret
Deer (हिरन) : Fawn
Peacock (मोर) : Peachicken
Sheep (भेड़) : Lamb
Fox (लोमड़ी) : Cub
Tiger (चीता) : Cub
Wolf (भेड़िया) : Cub

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There are three degrees of Adverb and Adjective which are:
(i) Positive e.g. big.
(ii) Comparative e.g. bigger.
(iii) Superlative e.g. biggest.

Rule 1: (a) Positive degree mostly comes between 'so-as', 'such-as' or 'as-as'. Generally use 'so + positive degree + as' for Negative Sentences and 'as + positive degree + as' for Affirmative Sentences. (See examples 1, 2)
(b) Always use 'than' after Comparative degree.
(c) 'the' comes before Superlative degree.

Rule 2: Adjective word, which contains two or more syllables for example - beautiful, intelligent etc. Add 'more' for making their Comparative degree and 'most' for the Superlative degree. (see example 6)

Rule 3: If there is a comparison between two things or persons then in that condition interchange is possible only with Positive and Comparative.

1. Positive - I am not so wise as he.
Comparative - He is wiser than I.

2. Positive - Ram walks as fast as Mohan.
Comparative - Mohan does not walk faster than Ram.

3. Positive - No other city in India is so big as Calcutta.
Comparative - Calcutta is bigger than any other city in India.
Superlative - Calcutta is the biggest city in India.

4. Positive -  No other poet of India was so great as Kalidas.
Comparative - Kalidas was greater than any other poet of India.
Superlative - Kalidas was the greatest poet of India.

5. Positive - Very few Indian leaders were as great as Mahatma Gandhi.
Comparative - Mahatma Gandhi was greater than most other Indian leaders.
Superlative - Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest Indian leaders.

6. Positive - Very few girls are as beautiful as Sonia.
Comparative - Sonia is more beautiful than most other girls.
Superlative - Sonia is one of the most beautiful girls.

7. Positive - This city is at least as calm as some other cities.
Comparative - Some cities are not calmer than this one.
This city is not less calm than some cities.

8. Positive - Some boys are at least as brave as Ram.
Comparative - Ram is not braver than some other boys.
Some boys are not less brave than Ram.
Superlative - Ram is not the bravest of all boys.

9. Positive - I have never seen so beautiful as a building the Taj.
Comparative - The Taj is more beautiful than any other building that I have ever seen.
Superlative - The Taj is the most beautiful building that I have ever seen.

10. Positive - The other boy does not behave as politely as Mohan.
Comparative - Mohan behaves more politely of the two boys.

11. Positive - This razor is not as sharp as that one.
Comparative - That razor is sharper than this one.

12. Positive - I did not expect him to be so brave.
Comparative - He is braver than I expected.

13. Positive - I did not think it would be so difficult.
Comparative - It was more difficult than I thought.

14. Positive - No other metal is as useful as Aluminium.
Comparative - Aluminium is useful than any other metal.
Superlative - Aluminium is the most useful of all metals.

15. Positive - It is not as cheap as to buy a new one to repair the old one.
Comparative - It is cheaper to repair the old one than to buy a new one.

16. Positive - Talking to him is not as convenient as writing to him.
Comparative - Writing to him is more convenient than talking to him.

17. Positive - Rashmi is not so clever as some other girls in the class.
Comparative - Some girls in the class are cleverer than Rashmi.
Rashmi is less clever than some other girls in the class.
Superlative - Rashmi is not one of the cleverest girls in the class.

Also Read

Direct and Indirect Narration

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense

Transformation of Sentences in Hindi and English
पहचान : इस Tense के वाक्यों मे काम का करना या होना भविष्यकाल  मे पाया जाता है तथा समय भी दिया होता है । ऐसे वाक्यों के अन्त मे 'रहा होगा', 'रही होगी', 'रहा हूँगा', 'रहे होंगे' आते हैं ।
Future Perfect Continuous tense - Hindi to English Translation

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1: अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद करते समय I और We के साथ shall have been और अन्य subject के साथ will have been लगाकर verb की first form में ing लगाते हैं ।

Rule 2: समय दिखाने के लिए 'for' या 'since' लगाते हैं निश्चित समय (Point of Time) दिखाने के लिए 'Since' लगाते हैं । जैसे : since Tuesday, since 1998, since morning, since 4 o'clock आदि । 

Rule 3: समय की अवधि (Period of Time)  के लिए 'for' लगाते हैं । जैसे: for two days, for three months, for five hours आदि।

1. वे दो घंटे तक खेलते रहेंगे । 
They will have been playing for two hours.
2. लड़की सुबह से सो रही होगी । 
The girl will have been sleeping since morning.
3. हम दो महीनो से इस विभाग में काम कर रहे होंगे । 
We shall have been working in this department for two months.

Negative Sentences
Rule:  Negative sentences में will या shall के बाद, not लगा देते हैं। 

1. वह दो दिन से पढ़ नहीं रही होगी । 
She will not have been reading for two days.
2. मुझे सोमवार से बुख़ार नहीं आ रहा होगा 
I shall not have been suffering from fever since Monday.

Interrogative Sentences

Rule 1: अगर वाक्य मे 'क्या' लगा हो तो shall या will को कर्ता (Subject) से पहले लगाते हैं । (देखिए उदाहरण 1, 2)

Rule 2: अगर वाक्य के बीच में 'कब'(when),'क्यों'(why), 'क्या'(what), 'कहाँ'(where) आदि  प्रशनवाचक शब्द हो तो सबसे पहले इनकी अंग्रेजी , फिर shall या will  लगाते है । (देखिए उदाहरण 4, 6)

Rule 3: कितना (how much) , कितने (how many) , कौन-सा(which) , whose के साथ उनसे सम्बंधित nouns भी आते हैं । (देखिए उदाहरण 5 )

Rule 4 : Interrogative negative वाक्य Interrogative affirmative sentences की तरह बनाते  है । केवल कर्ता के बाद not लगा देते हैं। (देखिए उदाहरण 3)

Rule 5 : वाक्य के अंत मे प्रशनसूचक चिन्ह (?) अवश्य लगाते है ।

1. क्या हम उसका इन्तजार सुबह से करते रहेंगे ?
Shall we have been waiting for him since morning?
2. क्या वह आलसी लड़का दो घंटे से सो रहा होगा?
Will that lazy boy have been sleeping for two hours?
3. क्या तुम दो दिन से नहीं पढ़ रहे होगे?
Will you not have been reading for two days ?
4. वे पाँच बजे से अपना समय क्यों नष्ट करते रहेंगे ?
Why will they have been wasting their time since 5 o'clock?
5. कितने लड़के दोपहर से शोर मचाते रहे होंगे?
How many boys will have been making a noise since noon?
6. लड़के दो बजे से कहाँ खेलते रहेंगे?
Where will the boys have been playing since 2 o'clock?

Recommended Post - Practise Hindi Exercises based on Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense
पहचान : इस Tense के वाक्यों मे काम का जारी रहना भूतकाल मे पाया जाता है और काम के शुरू होने का समय दिया होता है । ऐसे वाक्यों के अन्त मे 'रहा था' ,'रही थी' , 'रहे थे' आते हैं ।
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1: प्रत्येक subject के साथ had been लगाकर verb की first form के अन्त में ing लगाते हैं । (देखिए उदाहरण 1, 2, 3 )

Rule 2: समय दिखाने के लिए 'for' या 'since' लगाते हैं निश्चित समय (Point of Time) दिखाने के लिए 'Since' लगाते हैं । जैसे : since Tuesday, since 1998, since morning, since 4 o'clock आदि । 

Rule 3: समय की अवधि (Period of Time)  के लिए 'for' लगाते हैं । जैसे: for two days, for three months, for five hours आदि।

1. सीमा सुबह से अपनी गुड़ियों से खेल रही थी । 
Seema had been playing with her dolls since morning.
2. वे मेरा पाँच घंटे से इन्तजार कर रहे थे । 
They had been waiting for me for five hours.
3. वे औरतें तीन घंटे से कपड़े धो रही थी । 
Those women had been washing their clothes for three hours.

Negative Sentences
Rule:  इनमें had के बाद not लगाते हैं । 

1. वह दो दिन से पढ़ नहीं रही थी । 
She had not been reading for two days.
2. राहुल मुझे दो सालों से नहीं पढ़ा रहा था । 
Rahul had not been teaching me for two years.
3. मुझे सोमवार से बुख़ार नहीं हो रहा था । 
I had not been suffering from fever since Monday.

Interrogative Sentences

Rule 1:  अगर वाक्य के आरम्भ में क्या हो तो had कर्ता से पहले लगाते हैं।  (देखिये वाक्य 1, 2)

Rule 2: अगर वाक्यों के बीच मे कब ,क्यों ,क्या आदि प्रशनवाचक शब्द हो तो सबसे पहले इनकी अंग्रेजी , फिर had और फिर कर्ता लगाते है ।(देखिये वाक्य 4)

Rule 3: कितना (how much), कितने (how many), कौन-सा(which) के साथ उनसे सम्बंधित nouns भी आते हैं । (देखिये वाक्य 3)

Rule 4: Interrogative negative वाक्य Interrogative affirmative sentences की तरह बनाते  है । केवल कर्ता के बाद not और लगा देते हैं।  (देखिये वाक्य 2)

Rule 5: वाक्य के अंत मे प्रशनसूचक चिन्ह (?) अवश्य लगाते है । 

1. क्या वह तीन घंटे से अपना काम कर रहा था?
Had he been doing his work for three hours?
2. क्या वे कई सालों से मेरी मदद नहीं कर रहे थे ?
Had they not been helping me for many years?
3. कितने खिलाड़ी सुबह से मैच खेल रहे थे?
How many players had been playing the match since morning?
4. कुत्ते एक घंटे से क्यों दौड़ रहे थे?
 Why had the dogs been running for an hour?

Recommended Post - Practice Hindi Exercises based on Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense
पहचान : इन वाक्यों मे काम भूतकाल में प्रारम्भ होता है और वर्तमान काल में जारी रहता है और काम के जारी रहने का समय दिया जाता हैं इन वाक्यों के अन्त में 'रहा है','रही है','रहे हो' आदि शब्द पाये जाते हैं ।
Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation

Affirmative Sentences
Rule 1:  He, she, it और एकवचन noun subject के साथ has been लगाकर verb की first form में ing लगाते हैं । (देखिये वाक्य  1, 2, 3 )

Rule 2: You, we, they, I और बहुवचन noun subject के साथ have been लगाकर verb की first form में ing लगाते हैं । (देखिये वाक्य  4, 5 )

Rule 3: समय दिखाने के लिए 'for' या 'since' लगाते हैं निश्चित समय (Point of Time) दिखाने के लिए 'Since' लगाते हैं । जैसे: since Tuesday, since 1998, since morning, since 4 o'clock आदि । 

Rule 4: समय की अवधि (Period of Time)  के लिए 'for' लगाते हैं । जैसे: for two days, for three months, for five hours आदि। 

1. राम इस किताब को दो घंटे से पढ़ रहा है । 
Ram has been reading this book for two hours.
2. लड़की सुबह से सो रही है । 
The girl has been sleeping since morning.
3. वह इस घर में जनवरी से रह रहा है । 
He has been living in this house since January.
4. हम इस विभाग में दो महीनो से काम कर रहे हैं । 
We have been working in this department for two months.
5. मैं सुबह पाँच बजे से कपड़े धो रहा हूँ । 
I have been washing clothes since five in the morning.

Negative Sentences
Rule :  इनमें has या have के बाद not लगाते हैं । 

1. वह दो दिन से नहीं पढ़ रही है । 
She has not been reading for two days.
2. राहुल मुझे दो साल से नहीं पढ़ा रहा है । 
Rahul has not been teaching me for two years.
3. मुझे सोमवार से बुखार नहीं आ रहा है । 
I have not been suffering from fever since Monday.

Interrogative Sentences
Rule 1:  अगर वाक्य के आरम्भ में क्या हो तो has या have कर्ता से पहले लगाते हैं।  (देखिये वाक्य 1, 2)

Rule 2 : अगर वाक्यों के बीच मे कब ,क्यों ,क्या आदि प्रशनवाचक शब्द हो तो सबसे पहले इनकी अंग्रेजी , फिर has या have और फिर कर्ता लगाते है ।(देखिये वाक्य 5, 6)

Rule 3 : कितना (how much), कितने (how many), कौन-सा(which) के साथ उनसे सम्बंधित nouns भी आते हैं । (देखिये वाक्य 4, 7)

Rule 4 : Interrogative negative वाक्य Interrogative affirmative sentences की तरह बनाते  है । केवल कर्ता के बाद not और लगा देते हैं।  (देखिये वाक्य 3)

Rule 5: वाक्य के अंत मे प्रशनसूचक चिन्ह (?) अवश्य लगाते है ।

1. क्या वह अपना काम तीन घंटे से कर रहा है?
Has he been doing his work for three hours ?
2. क्या वे मेरी सहायता कई सालों से कर रहे हैं?
Have they been helping me for many years?
3. क्या मैं सुबह से अपनी किताब नहीं पढ़ रहा हूँ?
Have I not been reading my book since morning?
4. इस मकान में एक साल से कितने लड़के रह रहे हैं?
How many boys have been living in this house for one year?
5. तुम दो दिन से यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो?
What have you been doing here for two days?
6. वे जुलाई से अपना समय नष्ट क्यों कर रहे हैं?
Why have they been wasting their time since July?
7. शुक्रवार से टीचर कौन-सी किताब पढ़ा रहे हैं?
Which book has the teacher been teaching since Friday?
8. तुम्हारा शाम से कौन इन्तजार कर रहा है?
Who has been waiting for you since the evening?

Recommended Post - Solve Hindi Exercises based on Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Tenses - English to English Translation
Simple Tense

 Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense