Note: Please read "Kinds of Adverbs" before reading Rules of Adverbs
Rule 1. Adverb को जितना सम्भव हो सके उस शब्द के पास रखना चाहिए जिसको वह modify करता है, नहीं तो उसका अर्थ बदल जाता है |
Mohan has also decided to visit the Taj Mahal.
Mohan has decided to visit the Taj Mahal also.
Rule 2. जब कोई Adverb किसी Intransitive Verb (अकर्मक क्रिया) को modify करता है तो वह ठीक उसके बाद प्रयोग किया जाता है |
(a) She lives peacefully.
(b) Her mother lives there.
Rule 3. जब कोई Transitive Verb (सकर्मक क्रिया) अपने object के साथ आता है तो Adverb, object के बाद प्रयोग करते है |
Example: She did her task carefully.
Rule 4. जब किसी वाक्य में Auxiliary verb (सहायक क्रिया) और Principal verb (मुख्य क्रिया) दोनों आते हो तो Adverb दोनों के बीच में आता है |
Example :
(a) She will surely get good marks.
(b) I have certainly helped her.
Rule 5. always, ever, frequently, never, often, seldom, sometimes आदि Adverbs of time उन verbs से पहले प्रयोग होते हैं जिनको वो modify करते हैं | (See examples a and b)
यदि वाक्य में verb to be (is, are, am, was, were) का प्रयोग हो तो Adverbs of time उसके बाद प्रयोग करते हैं | (See examples c and d)
(a) She always speaks the truth.
(b) He often comes to school late.
(c) She is never late.
(d) I am always happy.
Rule 6. जब कोई Adverb किसी Adjective या दूसरे Adverb को modify करता हैं तो वह Adverb उनके ठीक पहले प्रयोग होता है |
Example: The man was quite rich.
Rule 7. Adverb 'enough' हमेशा उस Adjective या Adverb के बाद प्रयोग होता है जिसको वह modify करता है |
Example: He is rich enough to buy a car.
Rule 8. very का प्रयोग Positive degree के Adjective तथा Adverb के साथ होता है |
Examples: very intelligent, very interesting, very good, very insulting etc.
(a) The film is very interesting.
(b) I love her very dearly.
Rule 9. कभी-कभी much का प्रयोग Comparative degree के Adjective के साथ है |
Examples: much better, much surprised, much pleased etc.
(a) Sita is much better than Geeta.
(b) Sarthak is much superior to the other boy.
Rule 10. Adverb 'too' का अर्थ जरूरत से ज्यादा होता है | too को very के अर्थ में प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए |
(a) Incorrect: The wind is very cold.
Correct: The wind is too cold.
(b) Incorrect: The girl is too beautiful.
Correct: The girl is very beautiful.
Rule 1. Adverb को जितना सम्भव हो सके उस शब्द के पास रखना चाहिए जिसको वह modify करता है, नहीं तो उसका अर्थ बदल जाता है |
Mohan has also decided to visit the Taj Mahal.
Mohan has decided to visit the Taj Mahal also.
Rule 2. जब कोई Adverb किसी Intransitive Verb (अकर्मक क्रिया) को modify करता है तो वह ठीक उसके बाद प्रयोग किया जाता है |
(a) She lives peacefully.
(b) Her mother lives there.
Rule 3. जब कोई Transitive Verb (सकर्मक क्रिया) अपने object के साथ आता है तो Adverb, object के बाद प्रयोग करते है |
Example: She did her task carefully.
Rule 4. जब किसी वाक्य में Auxiliary verb (सहायक क्रिया) और Principal verb (मुख्य क्रिया) दोनों आते हो तो Adverb दोनों के बीच में आता है |
Example :
(a) She will surely get good marks.
(b) I have certainly helped her.
Rule 5. always, ever, frequently, never, often, seldom, sometimes आदि Adverbs of time उन verbs से पहले प्रयोग होते हैं जिनको वो modify करते हैं | (See examples a and b)
यदि वाक्य में verb to be (is, are, am, was, were) का प्रयोग हो तो Adverbs of time उसके बाद प्रयोग करते हैं | (See examples c and d)
(a) She always speaks the truth.
(b) He often comes to school late.
(c) She is never late.
(d) I am always happy.
Rule 6. जब कोई Adverb किसी Adjective या दूसरे Adverb को modify करता हैं तो वह Adverb उनके ठीक पहले प्रयोग होता है |
Example: The man was quite rich.
Rule 7. Adverb 'enough' हमेशा उस Adjective या Adverb के बाद प्रयोग होता है जिसको वह modify करता है |
Example: He is rich enough to buy a car.
Rule 8. very का प्रयोग Positive degree के Adjective तथा Adverb के साथ होता है |
Examples: very intelligent, very interesting, very good, very insulting etc.
(a) The film is very interesting.
(b) I love her very dearly.
Rule 9. कभी-कभी much का प्रयोग Comparative degree के Adjective के साथ है |
Examples: much better, much surprised, much pleased etc.
(a) Sita is much better than Geeta.
(b) Sarthak is much superior to the other boy.
Rule 10. Adverb 'too' का अर्थ जरूरत से ज्यादा होता है | too को very के अर्थ में प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए |
(a) Incorrect: The wind is very cold.
Correct: The wind is too cold.
(b) Incorrect: The girl is too beautiful.
Correct: The girl is very beautiful.
Recommended: Adverbs Worksheet
Parts of Speech
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3