Topic: Conjunctions

Aim: students will be able to identify and use conjunctions to combine simple sentences into more complex sentences.

Tools: textbook, chalk, green board, smart class, blackboard

Teaching Method:
Activity 1: Warm-Up
The students will be asked to check their previous knowledge related to the topic.

Activity 2: Write some sentences on the blackboard/green-board and make them understand that the sentence doesn't really make sense or that it reads awkwardly as if something is missing.

Activity 3: Read the lesson and discuss examples. Give time to complete the exercises and discuss answers to exercises.

Ending: The class will be divided into four groups then each group will give examples in Conjunctions.

Review: Write some sentences on the board and ask the students to identify the Conjunctions in them.

Worksheet: Conjunctions worksheet

  1. Kinds of Conjunctions
  2. Rules of Conjunctions

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