Topic: Punctuation Marks

Aim: Students will be able to use punctuation marks correctly. They can identify and explain punctuation usage.

Tools: textbook, chalk, green board, smart class, blackboard

Teaching Method:
Activity 1: Warm-Up
Punctuation signs/marks will be displayed on the board to check students' previous knowledge.

Activity 2: Familiarise students with punctuations by prompting students to consider which punctuation they can see and where it appears in the text.

Activity 3: Display enlarged sentences with accurate simple punctuations in the class. Ample exercises will be shown to students to make the concept more clear.

  • Divide the class into four groups. Give each group a different passage without punctuation marks. 
  • The group with the maximum number of correct punctuation marks will win.
Review: Write some sentences without punctuation marks on the board and ask the students to complete those sentences with correct punctuation marks.

Worksheet: Punctuation Marks worksheet

Recommended: Types of Punctuation Marks

Lesson Plans:

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