Fill in the blanks to complete Simple Present tense sentences. Use verbs given in the brackets.
  1. She .......... milk every morning. (take)
  2. I ......... up early in the morning. (get)
  3. My watch ........... good time. (keep)
  4. Here ........... the school bus! (come)
  5. The earth .......... around the sun. (move)
  6. Fortune ............ the brave. (favour)
  7. If it .......... we shall get wet. (rain)
  8. We ............ to Shimla next year. (go)
  9. When .......... the school reopen? (do)
  10. He ........ not at all doubt your integrity. (do)
  11. The price of commodities ............ to a great extent on their demand. (depend)

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