Rule 1. 'and' और 'but' का प्रयोग दो Statements या दो Coordinating Clauses को जोड़ने के लिए होता है |
'and' समान शब्दों और clauses को एक दूसरे से जोड़ता है परन्तु 'but' उनमें contrast दिखलाता है |
(a) Your father came here and met me.
(b) Your father came here but he did not meet me.
Rule 2. Conjunction 'Both' के बाद 'as well as' का प्रयोग न करके 'and' का प्रयोग करते है |
Incorrect: Both Ram as well as his sister have passed.
Correct: Both Ram and his sister have passed.
Both का प्रयोग Negative sense में नहीं करते है | Negative sentence बनाने के लिए Neither..... nor का प्रयोग करते है |
Incorrect: Both Ram as well as his sister have not passed.
Correct: Neither Ram nor his sister has passed.
Rule 3. 'and' का प्रयोग दो वस्तुओं को जोड़ने में होता है जबकि 'or' दो वस्तुओं में एक को बतलाता है |
(a) Do you want to marry Sita or Geeta?
(b) I want a laptop or a desktop.
Rule 4. Either...or, Neither....nor, Both....and, Though......yet, Whether....or, Not only......but also Conjunctions जोड़ों (pairs) में प्रयोग होते हैं |
(a) Though Sita is ill, yet she works hard.
(b) I cannot say whether she will come here or not.
Rule 5. No sooner के बाद verb का प्रयोग Interrogative sentence की तरह होता है परन्तु Question mark (?) नहीं लगाते है और उसके बाद than प्रयोग करते है | No sooner....than (ज्योंही) का प्रयोग केवल Past Tense में करते है |
Incorrect: No sooner she came here than she shut the door.
Correct: No sooner did she come here than she shut the door.
Rule 6. Scarcely या Hardly के बाद 'when' का प्रयोग होता है 'then' का नहीं होता है |
(a) Incorrect: Scarcely (or Hardly) he had gone then his sister returned from her office.
Correct: Scarcely (or Hardly) had he gone when his sister returned from her office.
(b) Incorrect: Hardly she had gone to bed then a thief broke into her house.
Correct: Hardly had she gone to bed when a thief broke into her house.
Rule 7. Lest (ऐसा न हो कि) के साथ should का प्रयोग होता है और not नहीं लगाते है |
Incorrect: Work hard lest you may not fail.
Correct: Work hard lest you should fail.
Rule 8. जब Such और Same का प्रयोग Adjective की तरह हो तो उनके बाद who, when या which नहीं आता हैं बल्कि Conjunction 'as' आता है |
Example :
Incorrect: He has such a laptop which you cannot find elsewhere.
Correct: He has such a laptop as you cannot find elsewhere.
Rule 9. What, when, how, why आदि प्रश्नवाचक शब्द के पहले 'that' नहीं लगाना चाहिए |
Incorrect: I asked her that why she was late.
Correct: I asked her why she was late.
Rule 10. When और if के बाद 'then' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है | केवल then के स्थान पर Comma(,) लगा देते है |
Incorrect: When she came here then I was reading a book.
Correct: When she came here, I was reading a book.
Rule 11. Unless और Until दोनों Negative शब्द हैं इसलिए इनके बाद not, never का प्रयोग नहीं होता है |
Unless शर्त और Until समय के लिए प्रयोग होते हैं |
(a) Incorrect: Unless you do not work hard, you will fail.
Correct: Unless you work hard, you will fail.
(b) Incorrect: I shall wait here until your father does not come.
Correct: I shall wait here until your father comes.
Rule 12. Define, describe, mention, regards, represent आदि verbs के बाद 'as' का प्रयोग होता है |
Call, consider, name, think आदि verbs के बाद 'as' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है |
Examples :
Incorrect: You ought to have regarded her your superior.
Correct: You ought to have regarded her as your superior.
Rule 13. Suppose और if का प्रयोग साथ साथ नहीं होता है |
Example :
Incorrect: Suppose if the teacher comes, you will be fined.
Correct: Supposing the teacher comes, you will be fined.
Rule 14. As के बाद 'so' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है | केवल so के स्थान पर Comma(,) लगा देते है |
Example :
Incorrect: As I am not feeling well so I shall not be able to attend the ceremony.
Correct: As I am not feeling well, I shall not be able to attend the ceremony.
Rule 15. Because कारण बताता है इसलिए इसका प्रयोग दो में से बाद वाले उपवाक्य में होता है |
Example :
(a) He cannot buy a bicycle because he is poor.
Rule 16. Since जब Conjunction की तरह प्रयोग होता है तो Since से पहले वाली clause Present Perfect Tense में और बाद वाली Simple Past Tense में प्रयोग होती है |
Example :
Incorrect: Two years passed since my friend has died.
Correct: Two years have passed since my friend died.
Parts of Speech
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
'and' समान शब्दों और clauses को एक दूसरे से जोड़ता है परन्तु 'but' उनमें contrast दिखलाता है |
(a) Your father came here and met me.
(b) Your father came here but he did not meet me.
Rule 2. Conjunction 'Both' के बाद 'as well as' का प्रयोग न करके 'and' का प्रयोग करते है |
Incorrect: Both Ram as well as his sister have passed.
Correct: Both Ram and his sister have passed.
Both का प्रयोग Negative sense में नहीं करते है | Negative sentence बनाने के लिए Neither..... nor का प्रयोग करते है |
Incorrect: Both Ram as well as his sister have not passed.
Correct: Neither Ram nor his sister has passed.
Rule 3. 'and' का प्रयोग दो वस्तुओं को जोड़ने में होता है जबकि 'or' दो वस्तुओं में एक को बतलाता है |
(a) Do you want to marry Sita or Geeta?
(b) I want a laptop or a desktop.
Rule 4. Either...or, Neither....nor, Both....and, Though......yet, Whether....or, Not only......but also Conjunctions जोड़ों (pairs) में प्रयोग होते हैं |
(a) Though Sita is ill, yet she works hard.
(b) I cannot say whether she will come here or not.
Rule 5. No sooner के बाद verb का प्रयोग Interrogative sentence की तरह होता है परन्तु Question mark (?) नहीं लगाते है और उसके बाद than प्रयोग करते है | No sooner....than (ज्योंही) का प्रयोग केवल Past Tense में करते है |
Incorrect: No sooner she came here than she shut the door.
Correct: No sooner did she come here than she shut the door.
Rule 6. Scarcely या Hardly के बाद 'when' का प्रयोग होता है 'then' का नहीं होता है |
(a) Incorrect: Scarcely (or Hardly) he had gone then his sister returned from her office.
Correct: Scarcely (or Hardly) had he gone when his sister returned from her office.
(b) Incorrect: Hardly she had gone to bed then a thief broke into her house.
Correct: Hardly had she gone to bed when a thief broke into her house.
Rule 7. Lest (ऐसा न हो कि) के साथ should का प्रयोग होता है और not नहीं लगाते है |
Incorrect: Work hard lest you may not fail.
Correct: Work hard lest you should fail.
Rule 8. जब Such और Same का प्रयोग Adjective की तरह हो तो उनके बाद who, when या which नहीं आता हैं बल्कि Conjunction 'as' आता है |
Example :
Incorrect: He has such a laptop which you cannot find elsewhere.
Correct: He has such a laptop as you cannot find elsewhere.
Rule 9. What, when, how, why आदि प्रश्नवाचक शब्द के पहले 'that' नहीं लगाना चाहिए |
Incorrect: I asked her that why she was late.
Correct: I asked her why she was late.
Rule 10. When और if के बाद 'then' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है | केवल then के स्थान पर Comma(,) लगा देते है |
Incorrect: When she came here then I was reading a book.
Correct: When she came here, I was reading a book.
Rule 11. Unless और Until दोनों Negative शब्द हैं इसलिए इनके बाद not, never का प्रयोग नहीं होता है |
Unless शर्त और Until समय के लिए प्रयोग होते हैं |
(a) Incorrect: Unless you do not work hard, you will fail.
Correct: Unless you work hard, you will fail.
(b) Incorrect: I shall wait here until your father does not come.
Correct: I shall wait here until your father comes.
Rule 12. Define, describe, mention, regards, represent आदि verbs के बाद 'as' का प्रयोग होता है |
Call, consider, name, think आदि verbs के बाद 'as' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है |
Examples :
Incorrect: You ought to have regarded her your superior.
Correct: You ought to have regarded her as your superior.
Rule 13. Suppose और if का प्रयोग साथ साथ नहीं होता है |
Example :
Incorrect: Suppose if the teacher comes, you will be fined.
Correct: Supposing the teacher comes, you will be fined.
Rule 14. As के बाद 'so' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है | केवल so के स्थान पर Comma(,) लगा देते है |
Example :
Incorrect: As I am not feeling well so I shall not be able to attend the ceremony.
Correct: As I am not feeling well, I shall not be able to attend the ceremony.
Rule 15. Because कारण बताता है इसलिए इसका प्रयोग दो में से बाद वाले उपवाक्य में होता है |
Example :
(a) He cannot buy a bicycle because he is poor.
Rule 16. Since जब Conjunction की तरह प्रयोग होता है तो Since से पहले वाली clause Present Perfect Tense में और बाद वाली Simple Past Tense में प्रयोग होती है |
Example :
Incorrect: Two years passed since my friend has died.
Correct: Two years have passed since my friend died.
Parts of Speech
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
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