इसके सम्बन्ध में प्रयुक्त नियम निम्नवत हैं :
Rules used in this regard are as follows :

नियम 1. कर्ता यदि एकवचन हो तो उसकी क्रिया भी एकवचन होगी ।
Rule 1. If Subject is singular, so the verb will also be singular.
Example :
राधा एक गाना गा रही है ।
Radha is singing a song.

नियम 2. कर्ता यदि बहुवचन हो तो उसकी क्रिया भी बहुवचन होगी ।
Rule 2. If Subject is plural, so the verb will also be plural.
Example :
वे लड़किया बाजार से कपड़े खरीद रही थी ।
Those girls were buying clothes from the market.

नियम 3. जब दो या दो से अधिक subjects 'and' से जुड़े होते हैं, तो उनकी verb plural होगी ।
Rule 3. When two or more subjects are attached with 'and' then their verb will be plural.
Example :
अमित और मोहन घनिष्ठ मित्र हैं ।
Amit and Mohan are fast friends.

नियम 4. यदि दो subjects जो की 'and' से जुड़े हो और एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु को प्रकट करते हो तो उनके साथ verb singular होगी तथा पहले subject के आगे article का प्रयोग होगा ।
Rule 4. If two subjects, which are connected with 'and' belong to the same person or object, then the verb will be used as singular and article will be used before the first subject.
Example :
घोड़ा और गाड़ी गिरजाघर के दरवाजे पर है ।
The horse and carriage is at the door of the church.

नियम 5. यदि दो या दो से अधिक singular subjects 'either.....or', 'neither.....nor' या 'as well as' से जुड़े हों, तो उनकी verb singular होगी ।
Rule 5. If two or more than two singular subjects are connected with 'either.....or', 'neither.....nor' or 'as well as' then verb will be singular.
Example :
या तो राहुल ने या मुकेश ने मेरी किताब ली है ।
Either Rahul or Mukesh has taken my book.

नियम 6. यदि 'either.....or' या 'neither.....nor' से जुड़े हुए subjects अलग-अलग numbers के हो तो verb बाद वाले subject के अनुसार आयेगी ।
Rule 6. If subjects connected with 'either.....or' or 'neither.....nor' are of different-different numbers then verb will be used according to the last subject.
Example :
न तो वह न तो उसके मित्र वहाँ उपस्थित थे ।
Neither she nor her friends were present there.

नियम 7. Each, either, every, many a, neither के साथ verb singular होगी ।
Rule 7. The verb will be singular with each, either, every, many a, neither.
Example :
इन लड़कियों में से हर एक गाने गाती है ।
Each of these girls sings songs.

नियम 8. जब दो subjects 'not only......... but also' से जुड़े हो तो बाद वाले noun या pronoun के अनुसार उनकी verb प्रयोग होगी ।
Rule 8. When two subjects are connected with 'not only......... but also', then the verb will be used according to the second noun or pronoun.
Example :
केवल बेटी ही नहीं उनकी माँ भी हँस रही थी ।
Not only the daughter but also their mother was laughing.

नियम 9. जब 'or' या 'nor' से जुड़े subjects अलग-अलग persons के होते हैं, तो verb उसके निकटतम subject के अनुसार आती है ।
Rule 9. When subjects connected with 'or' or 'nor' are related to different-different persons, then the verb will be used according to their nearest subject.
Example :
या तो तुम अपराधी हो या मैं ।
Either you or I am the culprit.

नियम 10. जब Collective Noun से किसी समूह का बोध हो, तो verb singular होगी ।
Rule 10. When Collective Noun gives a sense of a group then verb will be singular.
Example :
यह कक्षा बहुत बुरी है ।
This class is very bad.

नियम 11. जब Collective Noun से किसी समूह के व्यक्तियों का बोध हो, तो verb plural होगी ।
Rule 11. When Collective noun gives a sense of a group of people then verb will be plural.
Example :
जूरी के जजों में इस बात पर मतभेद था ।
The jury were divided on this point.

नियम 12. यदि किसी book का नाम plural में हो, तो भी उसकी verb singular होगी ।
Rule 12. If some book name is plural, then its verb will be singular.
Example :
'कम्पलीट ग्रिम्मस फेयरी टेल्स' बहुत अच्छी किताब है ।
The 'Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales' is a very good book.

नियम 13. जब plural number से किसी एक बँधी रकम या दूरी का बोध होता है, तो उसकी verb singular होगी ।
Rule 13. When plural number gives an idea of a fixed amount or distance, then the verb will be singular.
Example :
एक लाख रुपये उसका एक महीने का वेतन है ।
One lakh rupees is his one month salary.

नियम 14. कुछ nouns, plural प्रतीत होते हैं, परन्तु अर्थ में singular होते है, तो उनके साथ verb singular होगी ।
Rule 14. Some nouns appear plural, but are singular in meaning, then with them verb will be singular.
Example :
यह समाचार सत्य है ।
This news is true.

नियम 15. जब दो या तीनों persons के pronouns साथ-साथ आते हैं, तो सबसे पहले second person pronoun, फिर third person pronoun और अन्त में first person का pronoun आएगा ।
Rule 15. When two or three persons' pronouns used simultaneously, then firstly, second person pronoun then third person pronoun and in the last, first person pronoun will be used.
Example :
तुम, वे और मैं घूमने आगरा गए ।
You, they and I went to visit Agra.

नियम 16. जब दो अलग-अलग persons 'and' से जुड़े हो, तो verb plural होगी ।
Rule 16. When two different-different persons are connected with 'and' then the verb will be plural.
Example :
प्रधानाचार्य और प्रबंधक यहाँ हैं ।
The principal and the manager are here.

नियम 17. यदि दो different subjects 'as well as' से जुड़े हो, तो verb, first subject के अनुसार प्रयोग होगा ।
Rule 17. If two different subjects are connected with 'as well as' then the verb will be used according to the first subject.
Example :
वो भी और मैं भी यहाँ उपस्थित थे ।
They as well as I were present here.

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1. The Verb: Kinds of Verbs
2. Rules of Verb
3. List of Forms of Strong Verbs - Part 1
4. List of Forms of Strong Verbs - Part 2
5. List of Forms of Weak Verbs - Part 1
6. List of Forms of Weak Verbs - Part 2

Translation from Hindi to English

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