Topic: Subject & Predicate
Objective/Aim: The students will be able to understand and create the correct sentence structure with Subject & Predicate.Tools: marker pen, whiteboard, pictures
Teaching Method:
Activity 1: Warm-Up
Ask some questions to check their previous knowledge about nouns, pronouns, and verbs.
Activity 2:
- Invite students to focus their attention on the board where ample sentences will be written. Examples: Monkeys eat bananas. She plays chess. He reads novels.
- Ask students to find subjects, verbs, and objects in these sentences. Examples: (subjects: Monkeys, She, He), (verbs: eat, plays, reads), and (objects: bananas, chess, novels).
- Underline subject and predicate on the board. Examples: Subject: Monkeys Predicate: eat bananas. Subject: She Predicate: plays chess. Subject: He Predicate: reads novels.
Activity 3:
Write sentences on the board and ask students to write down subjects and predicates about it in their notebooks and let them compare their findings with their classmates.
- Divide the class into four groups. Give each group different pictures.
- Ask them to discuss in their group and write multiple sentences using pictures and separate out subject and predicate from those sentences.
- The group with the maximum number of correct examples will win.
Worksheet: Subject and Predicate worksheet
Recommended Lesson Plans:
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-- Adverb Worksheet
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-- Conjunctions Worksheet
Lesson Plan of use Articles (a/an/the)
-- Articles(A/An/The) Worksheet
-- Adverb Worksheet
Lesson Plan of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
-- Degrees of Comparison Worksheet
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-- Prepositions Worksheet
Lesson Plan of Conjunctions
-- Conjunctions Worksheet
Lesson Plan of use Articles (a/an/the)
-- Articles(A/An/The) Worksheet
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