Possessive case का प्रयोग निम्न प्रकार से हो सकता है :
Rule 1. (A) जीवधारियों के साथ Apostrophe s ('s) लगाकर
(a) Ram's mother is an accountant.
(b) Sita's pencil has been lost.
Singular Noun में पहले Apostrophe mark (') और इसके बाद s लगाते है और Plural Noun में पहले s और इसके बाद Apostrophe mark लगाते है यदि उसका Plural 's' पर समाप्त हो ।
The girl's bag. (लड़की का बैग)
Girls' hostel. (लड़कियों का होस्टल)
(B) Personified object के साथ (बेजान चीजों को जानदार मानने पर)
Examples: at death's door, Nature's law, Fortune's favourite etc.
(C) कुछ phrases के साथ
Examples: An apple of one's eye, at one's wits' end, bird's eye view, fool's paradise etc.
(D) Time, space या weight प्रकट करने वाले Nouns के साथ
Examples: A day's march, five days' leave, a pound's weight etc.
Rule 2. जो Nouns, 'ce' या 's' से समाप्त होते हो और उनके बाद 'sake' आता हो उन Nouns में सिर्फ Apostrophe (') लगाते हैं 's' नहीं लगाते हैं ।
Examples: for justice' sake, for goodness' sake, for conscience' sake etc.
Rule 3. जब पुरुष, स्त्री और बच्चों के लिए Plural Noun हो और अन्त में 's' न लगा हो तो उसमें Apostrophe mark के साथ 's' लगाते है ।
Examples: men's party, women's room, children's library
Rule 4. जब किसी चीज में दो लोगों की साझेदारी होती है तो 's' बाद वाले Noun में लगाते है ।
Example :
Ravi and Suresh's cupboard is made of wood. (एक cupboard दोनों की है)
यदि दो लोगों की चीजें अलग-अलग होती है तो 's' दोनों Nouns में लगाते है ।
Ravi's and Suresh's cupboards are made of wood. (दो अलग-अलग cupboard)
Rule 5. Compound Nouns के अन्तिम शब्द में 's' लगाकर
Example: This is my brother-in-law's shop.
Rule 6. Double Possessive का कभी प्रयोग नहीं करते है ।
(a) Incorrect: Seema's pen's colour is blue.
Correct: The colour of Seema's pen is blue.
(b) Incorrect: My friend's wife's mother has come.
Correct: The mother of my friend's wife has come.
Note: Colour and color both are correct spellings. Colour(British spelling), color(American spelling)
Recommended: Noun Worksheet
Rule 1. (A) जीवधारियों के साथ Apostrophe s ('s) लगाकर
(a) Ram's mother is an accountant.
(b) Sita's pencil has been lost.
Singular Noun में पहले Apostrophe mark (') और इसके बाद s लगाते है और Plural Noun में पहले s और इसके बाद Apostrophe mark लगाते है यदि उसका Plural 's' पर समाप्त हो ।
The girl's bag. (लड़की का बैग)
Girls' hostel. (लड़कियों का होस्टल)
(B) Personified object के साथ (बेजान चीजों को जानदार मानने पर)
Examples: at death's door, Nature's law, Fortune's favourite etc.
(C) कुछ phrases के साथ
Examples: An apple of one's eye, at one's wits' end, bird's eye view, fool's paradise etc.
(D) Time, space या weight प्रकट करने वाले Nouns के साथ
Examples: A day's march, five days' leave, a pound's weight etc.
Examples: for justice' sake, for goodness' sake, for conscience' sake etc.
Rule 3. जब पुरुष, स्त्री और बच्चों के लिए Plural Noun हो और अन्त में 's' न लगा हो तो उसमें Apostrophe mark के साथ 's' लगाते है ।
Examples: men's party, women's room, children's library
Rule 4. जब किसी चीज में दो लोगों की साझेदारी होती है तो 's' बाद वाले Noun में लगाते है ।
Example :
Ravi and Suresh's cupboard is made of wood. (एक cupboard दोनों की है)
यदि दो लोगों की चीजें अलग-अलग होती है तो 's' दोनों Nouns में लगाते है ।
Ravi's and Suresh's cupboards are made of wood. (दो अलग-अलग cupboard)
Rule 5. Compound Nouns के अन्तिम शब्द में 's' लगाकर
Example: This is my brother-in-law's shop.
Rule 6. Double Possessive का कभी प्रयोग नहीं करते है ।
(a) Incorrect: Seema's pen's colour is blue.
Correct: The colour of Seema's pen is blue.
(b) Incorrect: My friend's wife's mother has come.
Correct: The mother of my friend's wife has come.
Note: Colour and color both are correct spellings. Colour(British spelling), color(American spelling)
Recommended: Noun Worksheet
Parts of Speech
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
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