Below is the list of some Strong Verbs whose Second Forms are formed by changing vowel of First Forms and Third Forms are formed by adding 'en', 'ne' or 'n' in the Third forms.
Present or First Form | Meaning | Past or Second Form | Past Participle or Third Form | 'ing' Form |
Arise | उठना | Arose | Arisen | Arising |
Bear | सहन करना | Bore | Borne | Bearing |
Bid | आज्ञा देना | Bade | Bidden | Bidding |
Bid | बोली लगाना | Bid | Bid | Bidding |
Bite | काटना | Bit | Bitten | Biting |
Blow | फुंक मारना | Blew | Blown | Blowing |
Break | तोड़ना, टूटना | Broke | Broken | Breaking |
Beat | पीटना | Beat | Beaten | Beating |
Choose | चुनना | Chose | Chosen | Choosing |
Chide | फटकारना | Chid | Chidden | Chiding |
Do | करना | Did | Done | Doing |
Draw | खींचना | Drew | Drawn | Drawing |
Eat | खाना | Ate | Eaten | Eating |
Fall | गिरना | Fell | Fallen | Falling |
Fly | उड़ना | Flew | Flown | Flying |
Forget | भूलना | Forgot | Forgotten | Forgetting |
Freeze | जमना | Froze | Frozen | Freezing |
Forbid | मना करना, रोकना | Forbade | Forbidden | Forbidding |
Forsake | छोड़ देना | Forsook | Forsaken | Forsaking |
Give | देना | Gave | Given | Giving |
Grow | उगना | Grew | Grown | Growing |
Go | जाना | Went | Gone | Going |
Hide | छिपना | Hid | Hidden | Hiding |
Know | जानना | Knew | Known | Knowing |
Lie | झूठ | Lay | Lain | Lying |
Ride | सवारी | Rode | Ridden | Riding |
Rise | उठना | Rose | Risen | Rising |
See | देखना | Saw | Seen | Seeing |
Shake | हिलना | Shook | Shaken | Shaking |
Slay | मार डालना | Slew | Slain | Slaying |
Speak | बोलना | Spoke | Spoken | Speaking |
Steal | चुराना | Stole | Stolen | Stealing |
Swear | कसम खाना | Swore | Sworn | Swearing |
Strive | प्रयास करना | Strove | Striven | Striving |
Take | लेना | Took | Taken | Taking |
Tear | फाड़ना | Tore | Torn | Tearing |
Throw | फेंकना | Threw | Thrown | Throwing |
Wear | पहनना | Wore | Worn | Wearing |
Weave | बुनना | Wove | Woven | Weaving |
Write | लिखना | Wrote | Written | Writing |
Also Read
Parts of Speech
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
The Noun : Kinds of Nouns
Rules of singular and plural Nouns
Rules of Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
The Pronoun : Kinds of Pronouns
Rules of Pronoun
The Adjective : Kinds of Adjectives
Rules of Adjective
The Verb : Kinds of Verbs
Rules of Verb
The Adverb : Kinds of Adverbs
Rules of Adverbs
Rules of Prepositions
The Conjunction : Kinds of Conjunctions
Rules of Conjunctions
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 2
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 3
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