Note: Please read "Kinds of Verbs" before reading Rules of Verb.

Rule 1. Verb अपने subject के number और person के अनुसार आता है |
Examples :
(a) Incorrect: He love her.
Correct: He loves her.
(b) Incorrect: They hates me.
Correct: They hate me.

Rule 2. जब दो Singular Nouns एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु को दर्शाये तो verb singular होगा और article 'the' केवल पहले noun के आगे प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Example: The Managing Director and CEO of the company is dead.

जब दो Singular Nouns अलग-अलग व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं को दर्शाये तो verb plural होगा और article 'the' दोनों  के पहले noun के आगे प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Example: The Managing Director and the CEO of the company are dead.

Rule 3.  जब दो या दो से अधिक Singular Subjects 'and' से जुड़े हो तो verb plural होगा |
Example: Geeta and Babita are sisters.

Rule 4. यदि दो subjects एक ही वस्तु या व्यक्ति का भाव दर्शाते हों तो verb singular होगा |
Examples :
(a) Curd and rice is my favourite food.
(b) The cart and horse is ready.

Rule 5. यदि दो singular subjects 'and' से जुड़े हों और उन दोनों के पहले each या every का प्रयोग हो तो उनके साथ verb singular होगा |
Example: Each boy and each girl was in the class.

Rule 6. यदि दो या दो से अधिक singular subjects, either..or, neither...nor, or या nor से जुड़े हों तो verb singular होगा |
Example: Neither Ramesh nor Suresh has eaten chocolates.

Rule 7. यदि दो या दो से अधिक अलग-अलग number के subjects, either..or, neither...nor, or या nor से जुड़े हों तो plural subject को verb के पास रखते है और plural verb का प्रयोग करते है |
Example:  Either Sheela or her friends are guilty. (Plural subject - friends, Plural verb - are)

Rule 8. जब अलग-अलग Persons (First, Second, Third) के subjects 'or' या 'nor' से जुड़े हों तो verb, last Person के अनुसार आयेगा | वाक्य में Persons का क्रम Second, Third , First Person होता है |
Example: You or I have to reach the railway station.

Rule 9. Either, Neither, Each, Every, One of, Many a के साथ singular verb का प्रयोग करते है |
Examples :
(a) Neither of the tasks was easy.
(b) Every student was absent.
(c) Each of his watches is expensive.
(d) Many a girl has come.
(e) One of the girls is very beautiful.

Rule 10. कुछ Nouns, Billiards, Gymnastics, Economics, News, Physics, Innings, Mathematics, Politics etc. देखने में Plural लगते हैं लेकिन meaning में singular होते हैं इसलिए इसके साथ verb भी singular प्रयोग होता है |
Examples :
(a) Every news is not true.
(b) Mathematics is my favourite subject.

Rule 11. जब कोई singular subject दूसरे Noun के साथ with, as well as, like, besides, together with आदि connectors द्वारा जुड़ा हो तो verb इनसे पहले आये हुए शब्द के अनुसार आता है |
Examples :
(a) She, as well as her friends, has watched this movie.
(b) No one, besides your mother, knows her name.
(c) Ramesh, like his brother, is clever.

Rule 12. जब दो Nouns या Pronouns 'not only...but also' से जुड़े हो तो Verb बाद वाले Noun या Pronoun के अनुसार आता है |
Examples :
(a) Not only her friends but also her brother was absented from the class.
(b) Not only the commander but also the soldiers were killed.

Rule 13. Books, newspaper और countries के बाद verb हमेशा singular प्रयोग होता है |
Examples :
(a) Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens.
(b) The New York Times is an American newspaper.
(c) The United States has a big air force.

Rule 14. Wages, Means और Pains के अर्थ के अनुसार verb singular या plural होता है |
(a) Much pains has been taken.
(b) The pains of life are unbearable.

Rule 15. जब कोई Plural Noun किसी एक certain(निश्चित) measurement(नाप), amount(रकम) या distance(दूरी) को दर्शाता है तो उसके साथ verb singular प्रयोग होता है |
(a) Hundred rupees is not a big amount.
(b) Ninety miles is a long distance.

Rule 16. Describe, define, regard, represent, mention, treat आदि verbs के बाद as का प्रयोग अवश्य करते है |
(a) She regards me as her father.
(b) She treats him as a gentleman.

Rule 17. Appoint, dare, hear, make, see, need, choose, think आदि verbs के बाद to या as का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं |
(a) You need not come.
(b) She dares not oppose him.

Rule 18. Conditional sentences में If या When से शुरू होने वाली clause में Simple Present Tense तथा second clause में Simple Future Tense का प्रयोग करते हैं |
Examples: If she comes to me, I shall help her.

Rule 19. काल्पनिक शर्त के sentences में If clause Past Perfect Tense में तथा second clause में would have + third form of verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
Example: If she had come to me, I would have helped her.

Rule 20. यदि If clause वाले का कार्य असम्भव या काल्पनिक हो तो generally, If clause में were verb का प्रयोग करते है तथा main clause में would का प्रयोग करते है |
Example: If I were a bird, I would fly.

Rule 21. यदि Subordinate clause कोई Universal truth या Habitual action हो तो verb Simple Present Tense में प्रयोग करते है |
(a) She said that the sun rises in the east. (Universal truth)
(b) He said that dogs bark at strangers. (Habitual action)

Rule 22. यदि Principal clause की verb Present tense या Future tense में है तो Subordinate clause की verb भाव के अनुसार किसी भी tense में हो सकती है |
(a) Ram says that Hari has gone to Delhi.
(b) Mohan will say that Seema is a doctor.

Rule 23. यदि Principal clause की verb Past tense में है तो Subordinate clause की verb भी Past tense में होगी |
(a) Sonu told me that Rakesh was writing a book.
(b) He said that the horse had died in the night.

Rule 24. 'Lie' के साथ 'tell' और 'truth' के साथ 'speak' verb का प्रयोग करते है |
(a) Do not tell a lie.
(b) Please speak the truth.

Rule 25. Yesterday का प्रयोग Past tense में तथा Tomorrow का प्रयोग Future tense में करते है |
(a) He went to school yesterday.
(b) I shall go to the station tomorrow.

Rule 26. Principal clause की verb Present या Future tense में हो तो Subordinate clause में may का प्रयोग करते है |
Example: She works hard so that she may get good marks.
Principal clause की verb Past tense में हो तो Subordinate clause में might का प्रयोग करते है |
Example: She worked hard so that she might get good marks.

Rule 27. (I) Generally, shall का प्रयोग First Person(I, We) के साथ तथा will का प्रयोग Second Person (You) और Third Person(He, She, It, They) के साथ future time दिखाने के लिए करते है |
(a) I shall go with you.
(b) He will go with you.

(II) Shall का प्रयोग Second या Third Person के साथ Command(आज्ञा), Promise(वायदा), Threat(धमकी) या Determination(पक्का इरादा) प्रकट करने के लिए होता है |
(a) Command - You shall have to leave tomorrow.
(b) Promise - You shall get a prize for standing first in the class.
(c) Threat -They shall go to prison if they blackmail me.
(d) Determination - He shall find another job.

(III) Will का प्रयोग First Person के साथ Willingness(इच्छा), Promise, Threat या Determination प्रकट करने के लिए होता है |
(a) Willingness - I will work late today.
(b) Promise - I will try to leave smoking.
(c) Threat - We will beat you if you do not support us.
(d) Determination - We will fight against corruption.

Recommended: Verbs Worksheet

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