Imperative Sentences (आज्ञा सूचक वाक्य) के voice में परिवर्तन :

1. Imperative Sentences को passive में बदलने के लिए Let का प्रयोग वाक्य के प्रारम्भ में करते है और उसके बाद Object + be + Past Participle(third form of verb) का प्रयोग करते है । 
Examples :
a) Active : Give me a book.
Passive : Let a book be given to me.
b) Active : Post this letter.
Passive : Let this letter be posted.
c) Active : Open the door.
Passive : Let the door be opened.

The door should be opened.

2. यदि Imperative Sentence Negative हो तो सहायक क्रिया 'Do' को हटा देते है । 
Examples :
a) Active : Do not abuse others.
Passive : Let others not be abused.
b) Active : Do not insult the beggar.
Passive : Let the beggar not be insulted.

3. Imperative Sentences में Please की passive voice बनाने के लिए 'You are requested to' का प्रयोग करते है । और यदि वाक्य में सुझाव या सलाह दी गयी हो तो passive voice में 'You are advised to' का प्रयोग करते है । 
Examples :
a) Active : Please help the needy.
Passive : You are requested to help the needy.
b) Active : Please examine this question.
Passive : you are requested to examine this question.
c) Active : Obey the rules of the road.
Passive : You are advised to obey the rules of the road.
d) Active : Tell him to leave the room at once.
Passive : You are advised to leave the room at once.

Also Read :
Active to Passive Voice : Tenses
Active to Passive Voice : Interrogative Sentences
Active to Passive Voice : Imperative Sentences
Active to Passive Voice : Some special cases

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  1. Thanx
    I want to know the answer of this sentence.
    Don't come to my house(voice)

  2. You are ordered not to come my house.
