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  1. Offense (अपराध) : annoyance, injury, insult, wrong
  2. Obsolete (अप्रचलित) : discarded, extinct, outworn
  3. Oppressive (अत्याचारी) : cruel, grinding, tyrannical
  4. Outstanding (विशिष्ट) : eminent, prominent, remarkable 
  5. Plead (बहस करना) : assert, state, urge
  6. Pardon (क्षमा करना) : forgive, excuse, overlook 
  7. Peak (शिखर) : acme, apex, pinnacle, summit, top
  8. Peril (खतरा) : danger, risk, chance
  9. Pensive (चिन्ताग्रस्त) : sad, thoughtful, meditative, melancholy
  10. Perpetual (सतत, निरंतर) : ceaseless, eternal, everlasting, permanent
  11. Pledge (प्रतिज्ञा) : commit, oath, promise, vow
  12. Postpone (स्थगित करना) : defer, delay, suspend
  13. Praise (प्रशंसा करना) : applause, acclaim, commendation
  14. Pray (प्रार्थना करना) : beg, implore, request
  15. Precious (कीमती) : costly, dear, priceless, invaluable
  16. Prize (ईनाम) : award, medal, trophy
  17. Prominent (प्रसिद्ध) : distinguished, eminent, notable
  18. Pact (समझौता) : accord, agreement, bargain, treaty
  19. Polite (विनम्र) : civil, courteous, refined, polished
  20. Prevent (रोकना) : check, hinder, restrain, stop
  21. Proceed (आगे बढ़ना) : advance, continue, move, progress
  22. Protect (रक्षा करना) : defend, guard, shield, save
  23. Prudence (विवेक) : carefulness, caution, foresight, discretion
  24. Quarrel (झगड़ा) : controversy, dispute, wrangle
  25. Quiet (शांत) : noiseless, serene, silent, still, peaceful
  26. Queer (विचित्र) : strange, odd, peculiar, unusual, different
  27. Quit (छोड़ना) : leave, abandon, stop
  28. Regard (सम्मान) : respect, esteem, consider
  29. Rude (अशिष्ट) : rough, savage, insolent, discourteous
  30. Rescue (बचाना) : save, liberate, set free
  31. Rival (प्रतिद्वंद्वी, विरोधी) : competitor, opponent, contender
  32. Raise (उठाना) : increase, lift, rouse, elevate
  33. Recover (प्राप्त करना) : regain, obtain, redeem
  34. Release (मुक्त करना) : free, liberate, relinquish
  35. Reliable (विश्वसनीय) : trustworthy, dependable, responsible
  36. Ruin (विनाश) : destruction, downfall, wreck
  37. Strange (अजीब) : odd, queer
  38. Separate (अलग करना) : part, divide
  39. Simple (साधारण) : plain, natural
  40. Summary (सारांश) : synopsis, substance, gist, precis
  41. See (देखना) : look, behold, gaze
  42. Sacred (पवित्र) : holy, consecrated, sanctified
  43. Savage (जंगली) : wild, rude, barbarous, uncivilized
  44. Scorn (घृणा) : contempt, disdain, despise, hate
  45. Splendid (शानदार) : glorious, grand, magnificent
  46. Strife (झगड़ा) : dispute, rivalry, discord, contention
  47. Struggle (संघर्ष) : fight, battle, scuffle, endeavor
  48. Summit (शिखर) : apex, top, peak, zenith, climax, pinnacle
  49. Seize (पकड़ना) : capture, arrest, grasp
  50. Spontaneous (स्वाभाविक) : natural, automatic, voluntary
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Transformation of Sentences in Hindi and English

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