Please read Future Perfect Tense - Hindi to English Translation before solving below exercise.

Exercise - 1
बारिश होने से पहले वह अपना काम समाप्त कर चुका होगा | क्या गाड़ी के आने से पहले हम टिकट नहीं ले चुके होंगे? क्या वर्षा होने से पहले रोहित स्कूल नहीं जा चुका होगा? मेहमानों के आने से पहले हम खाना नहीं खा चुके होंगे | क्या माँ के खाना बनाने से पहले नौकर बाजार से नहीं आ चुका होगा? परीक्षा आरम्भ होने से पहले वह अपनी तैयारी कर चुका होगा | क्या सूरज उदय होने से पहले चिड़िया चहचहाने लगी होगी? हमारे बाहर निकलने से पहले किले का दरवाजा बन्द हो चुका होगा | रात होने से पहले वह घर जा चुका होगा |
समाप्त करना - (to) finish, मेहमानों - guests, उदय होना - (to) rise, चहचहाना - (to) chirp, किला - fort)

Recommended Post - Future Perfect Tense - Hindi to English Translation

Tenses - Hindi to English Translation
Simple Tense

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  1. He will have finished his work before it rains. Shall we not have taken the tickets before the train arrives? Will Rohit not have gone the school before it rains? We shall not have taken the food before the guests come. Will the server not have come to the market before the mother cooks the food? He will have his prepared before start the examination. Will the birds have chriped before the sun rises? The door of fort will have closed before we get out. He will have gone to home before it becomes night.

    1. It's good but there is some incorrect sentences.
      Will the servant not have come from the market before mother cooks the food?
      He will have prepared before the examination begin.

  2. 1).The door of the fort will have closed before we left.
    2).The door of the fort will have closed before we leave.
    sir which of the above sentences are correct according to the sentence you have given above for translation?????

    1. The door of the fort will have closed before we leave.
