The rules for making sentences by removing the adverb 'too' are as follows.
Adverb 'too' हटाकर वाक्य निम्न प्रकार से बनाए जाते हैं ।
Rule 1. If there is a use of Adjective after 'too' and Infinitive after Adjective then
नियम 1. यदि 'too' के बाद Adjective और Adjective के बाद Infinitive का प्रयोग हो तो
Example :
He was too tired to work.
(i) 'so' is used in place of the adverb 'too'.
(i) इसमें adverb 'too' के स्थान पर 'so' का प्रयोग करते है ।
(ii) 'that' is used after the used Adjective in the sentence.
(ii) वाक्य में प्रयोग किये गए Adjective के बाद 'that' का प्रयोग करते है ।
(iii) After this, anyone from 'he', 'she', 'it', 'they', 'I', 'we' is used according to the subject of the first clause.
(iii) इसके बाद he, she, it, they, I, we में से किसी एक को पहले clause के subject के अनुसार प्रयोग करते है ।
(iv) Replace 'to' with 'cannot' in Present tense and 'could not' in Past tense.
(iv) 'to' के स्थान पर Present tense में 'cannot' और Past tense में 'could not' प्रयोग करते है ।
Examples :
(a) He is too old to work hard.
He is so old that he cannot work hard.
(b) The mother was too weak to control her sons.
The mother was so weak that she could not control her sons.
(v) Passive voice sentence will be transformed into Passive voice.
(v) Passive voice के वाक्य की transformation Passive voice में ही करेगे ।
Example :
He speaks too fast to be understood.
He speaks so fast that he cannot be understood.
(vi) 'not' in 'that' clause can also be used with 'do', 'does', 'will' and 'would'.
(vi) can या could के अलावा that clause में not का प्रयोग do, does, will, would के साथ भी कर सकते है ।
Example :
She is too proud to apologize.
She is so proud that she does not apologize.
Rule 2. If, Infinitive is Negative which is used after 'too' then during the transformation of such sentences 'not' is not used.
नियम 2. यदि 'too' के बाद प्रयोग किया हुआ Infinitive, Negative में हो तो ऐसे वाक्यों की transformation करते समय not का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं ।
Example :
He is too poor not to accept the gift.
He is so poor that he can accept the gift.
Rule 3. If, the subject of the sentence is 'It' or inanimate then change 'for me' into 'I', 'for him' into 'he', 'for us' into 'we' and 'for them' into 'they' which are used in that sentence.
नियम 3. यदि वाक्य का subject, It या निर्जीव है, तो उस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त 'for me' को 'I' में, 'for him' को 'he' में, 'for us' को 'we' में तथा 'for them' को 'they' में बदलते हैं ।
Example :
The passage is too difficult for me to understand.
The passage is so difficult that I cannot understand.
Rule 4. In some sentences, the transformation of 'for + Noun' in the place of Infinitive.
नियम 4. कुछ वाक्यों में, Infinitive के स्थान पर for + Noun का transformation :
Examples :
(a) My heart was too full for words.
My heart was so full that I could not utter any word.
(b) His sorrow is too deep for tears.
His sorrow is so deep that it cannot be expressed in tears.
Rule 5. If, Adjective is used after 'too' but Infinitive is not used in the sentence then 'extremely' or 'over' is used in the place of 'too'.
नियम 5. यदि 'too' के बाद Adjective का प्रयोग हो लेकिन वाक्य में Infinitive का प्रयोग न हो तो too के स्थान पर extremely या over का प्रयोग करते हैं ।
(a) She is too eager for praise.
She is over eager for praise.
(b) The weather is too cold.
The weather is extremely cold.
Adverb 'too' हटाकर वाक्य निम्न प्रकार से बनाए जाते हैं ।
Rule 1. If there is a use of Adjective after 'too' and Infinitive after Adjective then
नियम 1. यदि 'too' के बाद Adjective और Adjective के बाद Infinitive का प्रयोग हो तो
Example :
He was too tired to work.
(i) 'so' is used in place of the adverb 'too'.
(i) इसमें adverb 'too' के स्थान पर 'so' का प्रयोग करते है ।
(ii) 'that' is used after the used Adjective in the sentence.
(ii) वाक्य में प्रयोग किये गए Adjective के बाद 'that' का प्रयोग करते है ।
(iii) After this, anyone from 'he', 'she', 'it', 'they', 'I', 'we' is used according to the subject of the first clause.
(iii) इसके बाद he, she, it, they, I, we में से किसी एक को पहले clause के subject के अनुसार प्रयोग करते है ।
(iv) Replace 'to' with 'cannot' in Present tense and 'could not' in Past tense.
(iv) 'to' के स्थान पर Present tense में 'cannot' और Past tense में 'could not' प्रयोग करते है ।
Examples :
(a) He is too old to work hard.
He is so old that he cannot work hard.
(b) The mother was too weak to control her sons.
The mother was so weak that she could not control her sons.
(v) Passive voice sentence will be transformed into Passive voice.
(v) Passive voice के वाक्य की transformation Passive voice में ही करेगे ।
Example :
He speaks too fast to be understood.
He speaks so fast that he cannot be understood.
(vi) 'not' in 'that' clause can also be used with 'do', 'does', 'will' and 'would'.
(vi) can या could के अलावा that clause में not का प्रयोग do, does, will, would के साथ भी कर सकते है ।
Example :
She is too proud to apologize.
She is so proud that she does not apologize.
Rule 2. If, Infinitive is Negative which is used after 'too' then during the transformation of such sentences 'not' is not used.
नियम 2. यदि 'too' के बाद प्रयोग किया हुआ Infinitive, Negative में हो तो ऐसे वाक्यों की transformation करते समय not का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं ।
Example :
He is too poor not to accept the gift.
He is so poor that he can accept the gift.
Rule 3. If, the subject of the sentence is 'It' or inanimate then change 'for me' into 'I', 'for him' into 'he', 'for us' into 'we' and 'for them' into 'they' which are used in that sentence.
नियम 3. यदि वाक्य का subject, It या निर्जीव है, तो उस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त 'for me' को 'I' में, 'for him' को 'he' में, 'for us' को 'we' में तथा 'for them' को 'they' में बदलते हैं ।
Example :
The passage is too difficult for me to understand.
The passage is so difficult that I cannot understand.
Rule 4. In some sentences, the transformation of 'for + Noun' in the place of Infinitive.
नियम 4. कुछ वाक्यों में, Infinitive के स्थान पर for + Noun का transformation :
Examples :
(a) My heart was too full for words.
My heart was so full that I could not utter any word.
(b) His sorrow is too deep for tears.
His sorrow is so deep that it cannot be expressed in tears.
Rule 5. If, Adjective is used after 'too' but Infinitive is not used in the sentence then 'extremely' or 'over' is used in the place of 'too'.
नियम 5. यदि 'too' के बाद Adjective का प्रयोग हो लेकिन वाक्य में Infinitive का प्रयोग न हो तो too के स्थान पर extremely या over का प्रयोग करते हैं ।
(a) She is too eager for praise.
She is over eager for praise.
(b) The weather is too cold.
The weather is extremely cold.
Transformation of Sentences in Hindi and English
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