"Any man who stands for progress has to criticize, disbelieve and challenge every item of the old faith."
"Bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting-stone of ideas."
"Every tiny molecule of Ash is in motion with my heat. I am such a Lunatic that I am free even in Jail."
"I emphasize that I am full of ambition and hope and of full charm of life. But I can renounce all at the time of need, and that is the real sacrifice. These things can never be hinderance in the way of man, provided he be a man. You will have the practical proof in the near future."
"If the deaf are to hear, the sound has to be very loud. When we dropped the bomb, it was not our intention to kill anybody. We have bombed the British Government. The British must quit India and make her free."
"It is here that soul-force has to be combined with physical force so as not to remain at the mercy of tyrannical and ruthless enemy. Lovers, Lunatics and poets are made of same stuff."
"Non-violence is backed by the theory of soul-force in which suffering is courted in the hope of ultimately winning over the opponent."
"One should not interpret the word “Revolution” in its literal sense. Various meanings and significances are attributed to this word, according to the interests of those who use or misuse it."
"Revolution did not necessarily involve sanguinary strife. It was not a cult of bomb and pistol. They may sometimes be mere means for its achievement."
"The elimination of force at all costs is Utopian and the new movement which has arisen in the country and of whose dawn we have given a warning is inspired by the ideals which Guru Gobind Singh and Shivaji, Kamal Pasha and Reza Khan, Washington and Garibaldi, Lafayette and Lenin preached."
"The people generally get accustomed to the established order of things and begin to tremble at the very idea of a change. It is this lethargical spirit that needs be replaced by the revolutionary spirit."
"Zindagi toh apne damm par hi jiyi jaati hai...Dusro ke kandhe par toh sirf janaaje uthaaye jaate hai."
Also Read Quotations / Quotes by famous personalities
"Bombs and pistols do not make a revolution. The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting-stone of ideas."
"Every tiny molecule of Ash is in motion with my heat. I am such a Lunatic that I am free even in Jail."
"I emphasize that I am full of ambition and hope and of full charm of life. But I can renounce all at the time of need, and that is the real sacrifice. These things can never be hinderance in the way of man, provided he be a man. You will have the practical proof in the near future."
"If the deaf are to hear, the sound has to be very loud. When we dropped the bomb, it was not our intention to kill anybody. We have bombed the British Government. The British must quit India and make her free."
"It is here that soul-force has to be combined with physical force so as not to remain at the mercy of tyrannical and ruthless enemy. Lovers, Lunatics and poets are made of same stuff."
"Non-violence is backed by the theory of soul-force in which suffering is courted in the hope of ultimately winning over the opponent."
"One should not interpret the word “Revolution” in its literal sense. Various meanings and significances are attributed to this word, according to the interests of those who use or misuse it."
"Revolution did not necessarily involve sanguinary strife. It was not a cult of bomb and pistol. They may sometimes be mere means for its achievement."
"The elimination of force at all costs is Utopian and the new movement which has arisen in the country and of whose dawn we have given a warning is inspired by the ideals which Guru Gobind Singh and Shivaji, Kamal Pasha and Reza Khan, Washington and Garibaldi, Lafayette and Lenin preached."
"The people generally get accustomed to the established order of things and begin to tremble at the very idea of a change. It is this lethargical spirit that needs be replaced by the revolutionary spirit."
"Zindagi toh apne damm par hi jiyi jaati hai...Dusro ke kandhe par toh sirf janaaje uthaaye jaate hai."
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